I have used Obsidian as a note-taking tool for the past four years. It has proved to be as robust as steel and dependable as a Swiss clock. Day in and day out, it captures my thoughts, some intelligent but mostly babbling and hasn’t broken once. That’s impressive.
I love to whiteboard, however, for someone who also prefers to organize and save ideas, it always seems like an unfair trade to wildly brainstorm only to try to re-capture those ideas in my knowledge system doubling the work and tripling the annoyance. A couple of weeks ago a sugar cube dropped into my otherwise bitter tea of disorganized whiteboarding in the form of tldraw. A free, collaborative, platform to whiteboard. Best of all, it played nicely with Obsidian.

Tldraw records my drawings as JSON and Obsidian parses it with the tl-draw plugin. Everything works seamlessly. I would recommend this combination to anyone looking for an easy way to brainstorm ideas and have the confidence they will be useful and safe in Obsidian.
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