Pancakes are a delicious treat for a lazy Saturday morning. With coffee brewing off to the side, the rich aroma of Colombian beans dancing through the air, and the maple syrup waiting eagerly to be poured — ah, what a delight.
The first step to making great pancakes is choosing a clean, non-stick pan. Make sure it’s wide enough to comfortably accommodate your pancakes.
I like to use ready-made batter — don’t overthink this. If you don’t have the ingredients to make your batter, scurry to your nearest Walmart and grab a mix.
Find a bowl large enough so that when you whisk (train your foreman!), the batter doesn’t go flying everywhere. Toss some mix in. Literally, toss it in. I won’t give you exact measurements because I prefer the “grandma technique” of cooking — measurements by whatever tastes good. The consistency of the batter should resemble maple syrup.
Whisk until you achieve that consistency. At this point, ready your plates, syrup, and cutlery, because once the pan is hot, the pancakes will start comin’.
Place the pan on your stove and heat it. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the surface; if it sizzles, you’re ready to rumble.
Take a ladle of your batter and carefully pour it onto the center of the pan. Wait for bubbles to form, then flip it over. The second side will cook faster than the first, so pay attention.
And that’s it! Repeat until you’ve used up all the batter. Be sure to invite someone over to share the pancakes with you. The syrup will taste even sweeter.
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