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I have used Obsidian as a note-taking tool for the past four years. It has proved to be as robust as steel and dependable as a Swiss clock….
Information creates tension, suspense, and drama. George R. R. Martin is a master of information which is what makes A Song of Ice and Fire a riveting series….
This is my first daily post. I was hoping to have something significant for it but, I’d much prefer a “first post” than the thought of a first…
I remember the first time I heard the word satire. Saaaaatire, I announced loudly. It had a funny ring to it. Initially, I had trouble understanding why anyone…
Todo Wrangler is a small plugin for Obsidian that puts your TODOs in their place.
In the humid Kenyan heat, the makeshift trail ran through villages and towns in the middle of a forest. One casual, run-of-the-mill Sunday, a weekly running group was…
The solo founder is not a role for the faint of heart. In the dark days of an early-stage startup, despite the sun being out, the sky looks…